結 語
[9]《北京:2020年優化營商環境 從“四個改革”開始》,中國經濟網,2020年1月15日,https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1655786578644621237&wfr=spider&for=pc。
責 編/郭 丹
Application of Blockchain in Public Affairs: Exploration and Challenges
Hu Xiangming
Abstract: From the perspective of public administration, the distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, encryption algorithm and other blockchain technologies have the characteristics of "decentralized" structure, "de-trust" architecture and "precision" mechanism. Blockchain has now been extensively applied to taxation, food and medicine quality supervision, real estate market regulation, real property transaction and electronic cards, exhibiting high efficiency, precision, equal participation and win-win cooperation and other advantages in the public administration. However, due to the security risk of blockchain, its application in public affairs may also bring privacy security risks, systemic security risk and security supervision risk. Faced with the increasing blockchain application in public affairs, we should make use of its advantages while preventing its risks, so as to make it better serve the modernization of China's system of governance and governance capacity.
Keywords: blockchain, public affairs, security risk